Monday, November 28, 2011

Esbern Bug - How to Fix

Problem: Esbern Door Glitch

During the quest A Cornered Rat to find Esbern in the Riften Warren, an annoying glitch can come up.  The problem is that Esbern is behind a door and it's possible upon encountering him for the dialogue to go by very quickly making it unreadable and following his instructions impossible. Worse the door separating you remains locked shut.   This can leave one frustrated and unsure of what to do.  This is a bug and a fix is required.

Solution: Unpack BSA Sound Files

The usual problem is that certain files have not been installed correctly. There are some fixes and workarounds that involve console commands that can get one around the immediate problem, but these can be quirky and may not address problems that can crop up later on.  More reliable are fixes that make files that were not installed correctly available. One can use a search engine to find a fix by typing in something like "Skyrim Esbern voice fix" and then following the instructions that come with it.  However, the early fixes that came out for this bug seem to use proprietary files from the game and seem to be disappearing, being taken down by those who created them. An alternative is to download the BSA unpacker at and then use it to unpack the file "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa" in the game's Data directory.  There should then be a new Sound directory afterward (\Data\sound\voice\skyrim.esm\maleuniqueesbern).  Upon playing, the quest should now proceed without problems.

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